Restoration and refurbishment of the XIV century Castello dell’Acciaiolo, home to exhibition, recreational, conference, training and dining areas, Scandicci (Florence)

A monumental complex located in Scandicci, formed from a fourteenth-century nucleus and increased to its current configuration in the Villa, with annexes and a monumental garden. The project moved with a view to the conservation and restoration of structures and environments, decorations and wooden elements, but also architectural and functional additions, with modern and technologically advanced structures. The goal was the return to public use, with new and prestigious functions, of both the castle-annexes and the buildings present in the adjacent monumental garden. There are now museum activities, rooms dedicated to training linked to fashion, spaces for exhibitions and conferences for refreshments. The courtyard and the monumental garden are cultural meeting places intended for theatrical and musical performances, meetings and debates. The restoration project included structural consolidation works and the insertion of technological systems for the new functions of the complex. Very important eighteenth-century pictorial decorative apparatuses have been found and restored.


Locality: Scandicci (Florence),
Client: Municipality of Scandicci
Assignment: Preliminary, Final and Executive Design Project, Project Management
Design Date: 2002-2007

With: Giulia Cellie (Associata 2007- Giugno 2011), Francesco Gurrieri e Federico Gurrieri, Spira Studio Associato, Comes Studio Associato, Consilium Servizi di Ingegneria srl.

Preliminary project consultants: Gennaro Tampone, Enel Hydro Spa.

Construction Company: Monacelli Franco Costruzioni Edili Srl, Ikuvium RC, C.A.R.E.C.A. Scarl, Belli Srl, Gentili Rolando & C Snc, Arcos Srl, Cioni Srl, R.A.M. – Restauri Artistici e Monumentali di Fabio Mannucci Snc, – Raveggi Srl, Rangoni Basilio Srl

Photo Credits: Alessandro Ciampi
