Restoration of the XVI century Baptistery of Pistoia (PT)

The Baptistery of San Giovanni in Corte is one of the most evocative and symbolic buildings that make up the ancient heart of the city of Pistoia. The restoration work was essentially aimed at consolidating and cleaning the stone cladding of the facades. The commitment proved to be unique for at least three types of problems: the particular architectural typology, the polychromy of the exterior layout and the overall spectrum of the types of degradation present (microstructural, material, biological, sedimentary). An analytical survey was carried out of the parts that make up the stone base, the faces of the octagon, the lantern in its various components, the roofs. The degradation investigation was carried out, the petrographic and chemical analyzes of the samples taken and the metallographic investigation of the specific components were carried out. This intervention also made use of advanced technologies, such as cleaning by applying lasers on architectural and sculptural elements.


Locality: Pistoia
Client: Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia and Pescia – Chapter of the Pistoia Cathedral
Assignment: Final and Executive Design Project, Project Management
Design Date: 1998
Date of Realization: 1999 – 2000
With: arch. Giulia Cellie (Associata 2007-Giugno 2011), arch. Francesco Gurrieri, arch. Federico Gurrieri, Arch. Alessandro Supressa, Studio Lombardini Engeneering
Construction Company: M.I.D.A Srl di Pistoia


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